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Antigo 04-04-2013, 11:02
Avatar de Leal
Leal Leal está offline
Membro Senior
Packed Powder
Registrado em: May 2011
Localização: Florianópolis
Posts: 140
Padrão Vendo Jaqueta Levis Jeans 686 de Snow/Ski

Usada Apenas uma Semana no Valle Nevado. Está nova!

Muito Bonita!

R$ 290,00



compare 686 TMS Levis 3-Ply Process Mens Shell Snowboard Jacket

Removable powder skirt. This is a limited edition design from the premium apparel company 686. With their technical apparel history it was a no brainier for 686 to create The Levi’s 3-Ply Process Mens Jacket. They keep production limited and retail distribution exclusive, making this collaborative piece something every avid skier or snowboard needs to get their hands on. The treated denim shell keeps you nice and dry when shredding the hill or gutting your last kill. Thanks to 20,000m waterproofing and 15,000g breathability ratings on the fabric along with fully-taped zippers you can rest assure that the 686 Levi’s 3-Ply Process Mens Jacket will keep you protected from the elements.
Imagens Anexadas
Tipo de Arquivo: jpg jaqueta-de-snowboardski-levis-jeans_MLB-O-3896470436_022013.jpg (23.7 KB, 12 visualizações)


Park City 2006/2007
Valle Nevado 2010
Valle Nevado 2011
Valle Nevado 2012
Ushuaia 2013
Valle Nevado 2015
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